Mapping Literature: The Art and Politics of Translation

David Homel and Sherry Simon

This book features essays and discussions from writers, translators, and individuals who play both roles at once, from around the world. It evolved from an international conference sponsored by Canada's Literary Translators' Association which took place in Montreal in 1986.

Literary Criticism 1998

David Homel was born and raised in Chicago in 1952 of East European stock. He left at the end of the tumultuous 1960s and lived in Europe and Toronto before moving to Montreal around 1980. He was educated in three countries and worked at a variety of industrial jobs before beginning to write fiction in the mid-1980s. He has been a journalist, editor, literary translator, and teacher. Due to his education, he has followed the American tradition of socially engaged, historical novels. He is the father of two sons, Gabriel and Jacob.

Other books by David Homel:
The Teardown: A novel
A House Without Spirits
Trade paperback
180 pp 9" x 6"
ISBN13: 9780919890855

CDN $13.95
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US $13.95